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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

W.A.P to Print Name, Address & Birhdate.

void main()
     printf("\n\t Name: Nikam Vishal");
     printf("\n\t Address: GIDC, Ankleshwar");
     printf("\n\t Birth Date: 14-02-1989");
By Nikam Vishal . . . . .  .

W.A.P to Print "Hello" Word.

void main()
     printf("\n HELLO WORLD...!!!");
By Nikam Vishal . . . . . 

Monday, 3 September 2012

Algorithm and Flowcharts Notes of C Language

Basic Fundamental of Programming

Topics Covered:
  1. Software
  2. Program
  3. Types of Software
  4. Programming language and it’s type
  5. Translator
  6. Algorithm
  7. Flow chart
  8. Editor

  • Software:
A group of programs that are put into a computer to operate and control its activities is called software.

  • Program:
Program is collection of group of multiple executable statements which are combined to give the result.

  • Types of software:
The software may be classified into two categories:
  1. 1.            System software:
System software is a group of general program use to help users to manage computer resources and to run their application program effectively.
These are complex program and are developed and supplied by computer vendors. Operating system, compiler, linker, loader, editor, etc. are system software.

  1. 2.            Application software:
Application software is a set of program to perform operation for a specific application.
Word, Excel, Access, Photoshop, etc. are application software

  • Programming language and it’s type:
Programming language is a language used to give instruction to computer. Each computer language has its own syntax. From last few years many programming languages are developed for different purpose such as COBOL is developed for the business application, FORTRAN is developed for the scientific calculation and other purpose.

We can classify the programming language in mainly following category:
  1. 1.            Machine language:
  • Computes are made of two-state electronic components, which can   understand only pulse (ON or 1) or no pulse (OFF or 0) conditions. Therefore, all instructions and data should be written using binary codes 1 and 0. The binary code is called the machine code or machine language.
  • It is also known as the binary language, or 1st generation language.
  • All computers are not same in design so machine language is also different for different computers.
  • Advantages:
  1. The execution of program developed in machine language is fast than other language.
  • Disadvantages:
I.    It is difficult to write, and understand the various combinations of 1 and 0 so to write code for machine language is slow and difficult.
  1. Every computer has its own machine language so program developed for one computer cannot be used in other computer.

  1. 2.            Assembly language: -
  • It assembly language special symbols or code for different purpose (for operator, constant, etc.).
  • It is based on the machine language so the program developed for the machine is different for different computer
  • To convert assembly language into machine language special translator is need known as Assembler.
  • The execution of program written in assembly language is faster than the higher-level language but slower than machine level language.
  • To write and understand a program in assembly is slow and difficult but easier than the machine level language.
  • It is also known as second level language or 2nd generation language.
  • It is also one of the types of low-level language.

  1. 3.            High level language: -
  • These languages consists a set of words and symbols and we can write a program using it, which is similar to English like language.
  • It is mainly consider the problem to be solved rather than computer instruction.
  • It is user-centered rather than machine-centered.
  • C, C++, COBOL, PASCLE, FORTRAN are examples of the high level language.
  • It is also known as 3rd generation language.
  • Advantages: -
  1. It is not machine dependent so program written for one computer can be run on different computer.
  2. It is easy to understand and write.
III. Error can be easily detected and removed.
  • Disadvantages: -
I.    It is slower than the assembly language and machine language.
II.  It requires special software to convert code from High-level language to machine code that is known as Translator.

  1. 4.            Fourth generation language: -
  • It is a high level language that requires significantly fewer instructions to accomplish a particular task then third generation language so programmer can develop the program faster than 3rd generation language.
  • Visual Basic is a example of Fourth generation language.

  • Translator: -
To convert your assembly level program or higher-level language program into machine level language program, there is use of special software or program that is known as Translator.

Translator can be divided into three categories:
(1)         Assembler: -
Assembler is a program, which converts your assembly language program into machine language.

(2)         Compiler: -
Complier is a program, which checks the syntax error in your program and converts your program into machine language from higher-level language. If there is any error in any line of program compiler give error message and doesn’t covert your program into machine level language. But it is faster than the interpreter.

(3)         Interpreter: -
Interpreter is a program which checks your program line by line and after checking first line it converts into machine language and execute it so it is useful for the line by line tracing of your program. It is slower than compiler.
  • Editor: -
Editor is a system program allows adding, deleting and manipulating the text. It provides several commands to add, delete and manipulate the text. It provides also the facility of save, save as, print as well as facility to copy, cut, paste, select, find, replace, delete the text.

In market several editors are available such as DOS editor, notepad, WordPad, etc. Many programming complier also provides the facility of editor such as C editor, VB editor, etc which includes the facility to compile, execute, trac

Development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems | ERP Notes

Ch.2 The development of enterprise resource planning systems
  • In today’s competitive business environment, companies try to provide customers with goods and services faster and cheaper than their competitor. The key is to have efficient integrated information systems. Increasing the efficiency of information systems result in more efficient management of business processes.
  • Until recently most companies had nonintegrated information systems that supported only the activities of individual business functional areas. Thus a company would have a marketing information system, a production information system and so on, each with its own hardware, software  and methods of processing data and information.
  • Such nonintegrated systems might work well within individual functional area but to achieve a company’s goals, data must be shared among all the functional areas. When a company’s information systems are not integrated, costly inefficiencies can result.
  • An Enterprise Resource Planning system can integrate a company’s operations by acting as a company-wide computing environment that includes a database that is shared by all functional areas. Such software can deliver consistent data across all functional areas in real time.

2.1 The evolution of information systems:
  • The current ERP system evolved as a result of three things:
    • The advancement of hardware and software technology
    • The development of a vision of integrated information systems
    • Reengineering of companies to shift from a functional focus to business process focus.
2.1.1       Computer hardware and software development:
  • The rapid development of computer hardware capabilities has been accurately described by Moore’s low- The number of transistors that could be built into a computer chip doubled every 18 months. That means that the capabilities of computer hardware were doubled every 18 months.
  • During this time, computer software was also advancing to take advantage of the increasing capabilities of computer hardware. RDBMS was developed, providing businesses with the capability to store, retrieve and analyze large volumes of data. With spreadsheets, managers could perform complex business analyses without having to rely on a computer programmer to develop custom programs.
  • By the mid 1980s, telecommunications developments allowed users to share data and peripherals on local network.
  • By the end of 1980s, much of the hardware needed to support the development of ERP software was in place: fast computers, networked access and advanced database technology.

2.2.2 Reengineering of companies to shift from functional focus to business process focus:
  • In a process-oriented company, the flow promotes flexibility and rapid decision-making.
2.4 ERP software emerges: SAP and R/3
  • In 1972 former IBM systems analysts(hasso plattner, Klaus tschira and hans-werner hector ) formed S-A-P(system analysis and program development).
  • SAP founders developed their first software package called system R system RF or R/1.
  • In 1978 SAP began developing a more integrated version of its software product called the R/2 system.
  • By 1988 SAP had established subsidiaries in numerous foreign countries, established a joint venture with consulting company Arthur Anderson and sold its 1000 the system. SAP also became SAP AG, a publicly traded company.
  • 1n 1988 sap realized the potential of client-server hardware architecture and began development of R/3 system. First version of SAP R/3 was released in 1972. SAP R/3 system was designed using an open architecture approach.
  • SAP R/3 target very large companies. Acquiring this system is very expensive. Full implementation of all modules can take years.
  • The modular design of SAP R/3 is based on business process such as sales order handling, material requirement handling and employee recruiting. When data are entered into the system, data in all related files in the central database are automatically updated.

2.5 New directions in ERP:
  • In late 1990s, Y2K problem motivated many companies to move to ERP system.

2.6 Other ERP vendor:
  • People Soft: powerful H/R and Payroll Accounting module.
  • Oracle: SAP’s biggest competitor.
2.7 ERP for midsize companies:
  • Midsize means fewer than 1000 employees. For midsize companies SAP has developed industry solutions, which are specific, preconfigured versions of R/3 tailored for particular industries such as automotive, banking, chemicals etc. because they are smaller and more specific, they cost less than R/3 and can be installed more quickly than R/3.
  • Best of breed approaches: ERP software vendors emphasize different strengths within their product offerings. So some companies have opted to integrate modules from different ERP vendors, a design approach called “Best of breed” approach. Because the modules originate from different vendors, companies must have middleware written to connect the disparate software.
  • Choosing consultants and vendors: because ERP software packages are so large and complex, one person can’t fully understand a single ERP system. It is also impossible for an individual to compare various systems. So before choosing a software vendor, most companies study their needs and then hire an external team of consultants to help choose the right software vendor and the best approach to implement ERP. After selecting a vendor, the consultants recommend the modules that are best suited to the company’s operations and the configurations within those modules that are most appropriate.

2.8      Advantages of ERP system:
  • Business integration: conventional company information system were aimed at the optimization of independent business functions in business units, almost all were weak in terms of the communication and integration of information that transcended the different business functions.

  • Flexibility: Different languages, currencies, accounting standards etc. can be covered in one system, and functions that comprehensively manage multiple locations of a company can be packaged and implemented automatically.
  • Better analysis and planning capabilities: ERP allows management to manage operations not just monitor them. The ERP systems already has all the data, allowing the manager to focus on improving processes.
  • Use of latest technology: utilization of the latest developments in information technology. e.g. open architecture, client/server technology, internet, e-commerce etc.

2.9      How much does an ERP system cost?:
  • Cost of ERP system includes several factors:
    • The size of ERP software, which corresponds to the size of the company it serves.
    • New hardware that is capable of running complex ERP software.
    • Consultants and Analysts fees
    • Time for implementation
    • Training
  • A large company, one with well over 1,000 employees , will likely spend $50 million to $500 million for an ERP system with operations multiple countries, currencies, languages and tax laws. Full implementation might take four to six years.

  • A midsize company might spend $10 million to $20 million in total implementation costs and have its ERP system up and running in about 2 years.
2.10                      Should every business buy an ERP package?:
  • ERP packages imply, by their design  a way of doing business, and they require users to follow that way of doing business. Some of a business’s operation and some segments of its operations might not be a good match with the constraints inherent in ERP. Therefore it is imperative for a business to analyze its own business strategy, organization, culture and operation before choosing an ERP approach.
  • Sometimes a company is not ready for ERP. In many cases ERP implementation difficulties result when management does not fully understand its current business processes and cannot make implementation decisions in a timely manner.
2.11 Is ERP software inflexible? :
  • Once an ERP system is in place, trying to reconfigure it while retaining data integrity is expensive and time consuming. That is why thorough pre-implementation planning is so important. It is much easier to customize an ERP program during system configuration and before any data have been stored.
  • ERP sometimes does not work well for companies that experience rapid growth and change.
2.12 What return can a company expect from its ERP investment?
  • The financial benefits provided by an ERP system can be difficult to  calculate because sometimes ERP increases revenue and decreases expenses in intangible ways that are difficult to measure. Also some changes take place over such a long period of  time that they are difficult to track. Still the return on an ERP can be measured in many ways
    • Because ERP eliminates redundant effort and duplicated data, it can generate savings in operations expense.
    • Because an ERP system can help produce goods and service more quickly, more sales can be generated every month.
    • In some instances, a company that doesn’t implement an ERP system might be forced out of business by competitors that have an ERP system.
    • A smoothly running ERP system can save company’s personnel, suppliers, distr0ibutors and customers much frustration.
    • Because ERP implementation take time, there may be other business factors affecting the company’s costs and profitability, making it difficult to isolate the impact of the ERP system alone.
    • Because ERP system provide real-time data, companies can improve external customer communications. Better communication can improve the customer relationship and increase sales.
2.13 How long does it take to see a return on an ERP investment? :
  • ROI (Return on investment) is an assessment of an investment project’s value that is calculated by dividing the value of the project’s benefit by the value of the project’s cost.
  • Some companies claim that an acceptable ROI begins to accrue almost immediately following the ERP system implementation.
2.14 Why do some companies have more success with ERP than do others? :
  • Usually a bumpy rollout and low ROI are caused by people problems and misguided expectations not computer malfunctions.
  • Some executives blindly hope that new software will cure fundamental business problems that are not curable by any software.
  • Some executives and IT managers don’t take enough time for a proper analysis during the planning and implementation phase.
  • Some executives and IT managers skimp on employee education and training.
  • Some companies do not place the ownership or accountability for the implementation project on the personnel who will operate the system, which lead to situation where implementation become an IT project rather than accompany-wide project.
  • The top executives must be behind the project 100 percent for it to be successful.
  • ERP implementation brings a tremendous amount of change for the users. Managers need to manage that change well so that the implementation goes smoothly.
  • Some companies willingly part with fund for software and new hardware, but don’t properly budget for employee training.

2.15 Additional capabilities within ERP:
  • ERP vendors and other software companies are continuing to develop CRM applications that increase the efficiency of the sale force. ERP developers are trying to make their existing systems smarter by extending ERP’s capabilities into more areas of decision support, management reporting and data mining.
  • ERP vendors continue to improve software and Internet connections that integrate a business’s internal operations while also integrating the business with its dealers, vendors and customers.
  • Netweaver is an application that lets companies add components to their ERP system and also lets external partners access certain parts of the company’s ERP system.
  • The internet has become an important way to sell goods and services and will probably become more important in future. Companies will have a continuing need to take orders electronically and to pass them seamlessly to the company’s database. The ERP system can manage the transaction as if it had come in through a traditional method.
  • Trading hubs on the web integrate companies ERP system for exchange of goods and services.

Barriers of Communication for CS

Barriers of Communication CS Notes | MCA Notes

  1. 1.      Physical Barrier | MCA Notes:
  • It can occur both in oral & written communication.
  • Poor light, stammering, improper pronunciation, all comes under physical barriers.
  • The 3 important points to study under physical barriers are__

  • This has both, literal and technical meaning.
  • Literal is something, which is loud, unpleasant and disturbing.
  • People around you may sometimes talk very loudly when you are attending a phone call or sometimes a cracker may burst outside or a noise from a loudspeaker can create barrier to communication.
  • Even when you yourself raise your voice a little too much or shriek, communication becomes unpleasant. It disturbs both the sender & receiver.
  • Technical may be silent but still, it disturbs the process of communication.
  • Extra signals other than the signals of communication create noise.
  • Noise on radio and audio system is auditory noise & the visual noise on your television or computer set can be noise if there are unwanted signals, communication loses clarity.

Time & distance:
  • Physical distance & improper timing affects communication.
  • Modern techniques like mobile, internet, fax, telephone, etc. have helped us to overcome this barrier largely.
  • Distance does not matter much now because no matter where you are, you can connect with the other person immediately.
  • Conference calls have also helped in-group interaction, which saves both time and money.
  • But these techniques have their own drawbacks;
  • The lines get jammed when too many people start using the system at a same time.
  • A virus can enter the computer & snap your connectivity.
  • In older days, communication to distant places was done through sound & visual signals like flames or drumbeats to save time and send the message immediately.

  1. 2.      Symantic Barrier:
  • This means different meanings of one word or phrase in all languages.
  • Thus, a person should not just be aware of all meanings but we should also know to use the right word at the right time.
  • The word used must be understood & make sense to the receiver. This can be further divided in 3 parts…

Interpretation of Words:
  • In some of the languages, including English, one word will have multiple meanings & the meaning, which you like to communicate, may not be received by the receiver.
  • This creates a major barrier in the communication. E.g.  Mum – food/mother/quiet
  • It is necessary to use words & phrases that are common in the area or country you live in.               E.g. In India-Gas means -Cooking gas while in America-Gas means –Petrol/Gasoline.

Technical Jargon:
  • It refers to words or expression used in particular profession, which has a précis meaning & is difficult to understand outside the context.                                                         
E.g. “Software”-Computer terminology that may not mean anything else outside its context.

Idioms & Phrases:
  • Group of words that has a special meaning different from the meaning of the individual words used decoratively are called idioms.
E.g., Cock & Bull Story- means to make up a story.
  • Phrases are group of words, which form a natural part of a sentence but give a new meaning and not a literary meaning.
  • These two are not barriers, rather they make communication more effective provided they are used under the following three conditions_
_Idioms should not be an old one.
_It should fit the context
_ it should be understood by the receiver.

  1. 3.    Psycho-Sociological Barrier:
  • Each individual is different from the other in terms of   thoughts, feelings, temperament, senses, educational and social background, etc.
  • Therefore, this difference ought to show in one to one or group communication.

Status Block:
  • There is a hierarchy in any organization and people in horizontal line find it easier to communicate with each other because they have similar education and social background and they may hold some rank or position in any organization.
  • However, on vertical line, there is difference in ranks, education and social standing, because of which when they communicate difference shows.
  • The difference is in language, fluency and confidence.
  • In spite of the fact, the superior tries to be positive & amicable with his junior.
  • This communication cannot be as natural as between two members of the same level.
  • This status block makes communication difficult.

  • If a person, holding a superior position in a Company has an air of superiority, he may not open to outside influences and views.
  • Such people are highly opinionated and egoistic.
  • They are very difficult to deal with.
  • If you try to persuade in communicating with them, they may lose their temper.
  • Communication becomes impossible under such circumstances.

  • Being at the same level, physically, mentally and emotionally, is an important condition for effective communication.
  • When you are in anger, you cannot communicate well.
  • Similarly, when you are in grief or you are going through any extreme emotional condition, communication becomes difficult.
  • You are not at your rational best.
  • You do not get to say right words at the right time, so it shows that you can communicate better only when you are your natural self.
  • A prejudiced mind is also as enemy of good communication, because if you are prejudiced, you form opinions about a person even before he/she speaks to you.
  • A cool well-balanced personality with good communicative skills makes one an ideal communicator.

Group Identification:
  • Man is a social animal and his thinking is shaped by the attitudes and beliefs of his/her family, school community and friends.
  • This thinking prompts us to have selective interaction and prejudiced responses.
E.g., we may not like to speak to people belonging to a particular community, region, class, gender, etc. because of the prejudice we have against them.
  • This becomes a barrier in communication.
  • It is important for people at both the ends to be aware of this so that they can overcome this barrier.
  • Within an organization, steps should be taken to minimize the chances of group identification created by a mental block that is based on religion, region, gender, social class, etc.
  • Better official communication takes place only when individuals share common office culture.

  1. 4.  Poor Communication Skills:

  • Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing are basic verbal communication skills without which basic communication becomes difficult.
  •  A good knowledge of the language is required for day-to-day & corporate communication.
  • If we take for granted that the language of communication in an office or an organization is English then the workers who may not be good at the language may find it difficult to communicate with their seniors who are good at it.
  • This barrier can be removed by training the workers to learn English language but sometimes it may not be possible for these workers to learn the language at this stage of their life, but the problem may be solved by expecting the officials at the higher level to know both English and the local language well enough so that it narrows down the possibility of the communication gap between them.
  • Providing help by training the workers in etiquettes, manners and body language can make communication easier and effective.

5. State of Health:

  • Good communication is possible only with a healthy mind and body.
  • Before communicating, a person needs to plan his line of action and organize his ideas; only an alert mind can do this.
  • An effort to communicate when you are sick may not be fully satisfactory.
  • Even with age, when hands shake, voice stammers, sight and hearing grows weak, communication becomes difficult so the state of health plays an important role in communication.

6. Cultural Barrier:

  • India has a vast cultural variety.
  • In the corporate world people from different religious, social, economical and educational background sometimes it creates a gap and misunderstanding between them which results in a communication barrier.
  • Individual should play down their cultural background & become a part of the uniform corporate culture.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Basic Diagram of Computer

Block Diagram of Computer :

What is Printer?

-: Printer :-
A printer is an output device that produces text and graphics on paper.
Types of printer Printers
There Have 2 Types Of Printer
1)     Impact printer
2)     Non-impact printer
Impact printer produces text and images when tiny wire pins on print head strike the ink ribbon by physically contacting the paper. Non-impact printer produces text and graphics on paper without actually striking the paper.
Printers can also be categorized based on the print method or print technology. The most popular ones are inkjet printer*, *laser printer*, *dot-matrix printer and *thermal printer*. Among these, only dot-matrix printer is impact printer and the others are non-impact printers.
Some printers are named because they are designed for specific functions, such as photo printers*, *portable printers and all-in-one / *multifunction printers*. Photo printers and portable printers usually use inkjet print method whereas multifunction printers may use inkjet or laser print method
Inkjet printers and laser printers are the most popular printer types for home and business use. Dot matrix printer was popular in 70's and 80's but has been gradually replaced by inkjet printers for home use. However, they are still being used to print multi-part forms and carbon copies for some businesses. The use of thermal printers is limited to ATM, cash registers and point-of-sales terminals. Some label printers and portable printers also use thermal printing.
Due to the popularity of digital camera, laptop and SoHo office (small office / home office), the demand for photo printers, portable printers and multifunction printers has also increased substantially in recent years.
h1. Inkjet Printers Inkjet printers are non-impact printers which print text and images by spraying tiny droplets of liquid ink onto paper. They are the most popular printers for home use.
Currently, most inkjet printers use either thermal inkjet or piezoelectric inkjet technology. Thermal inkjet printer uses heating element to heat liquid ink to form vapor bubble, which forces the ink droplets onto the paper through the nozzle. Most inkjet manufacturers use this technology in consumer inkjet printers.
Piezoelectric inkjet technology is used on all Epson printers and industrial inkjet printers. Instead of using heating element, these printers use a piezoelectric crystal in each nozzle. The piezoelectric crystal changes shape and size based on the electric current received, and forces tiny droplets of ink onto the paper from the nozzle.
Thermal inkjet printers use aqueous ink which is a mixture of water, glycol and dyes. These inks are inexpensive but they can only be used on paper or specially coated materials. Piezoelectric inkjet printers allow the use of a wider range of inks, such as solvent inks, UV-curable inks, dye sublimation inks, and can print text and graphics on different uncoated materials.
The inkjet head design is also divided into two main groups: fixed-head and disposable head. Fixed-head is built into the printer and should last for the whole life of the printer. It produces more accurate output than cheap disposable head. The ink cartridges for fixed head printers are also cheaper as the print head does not need to be replaced. However, if the head is damaged, the entire printer has to be replaced.
Disposable head is included in replacement ink cartridge. It is replaced each time an ink cartridge runs out of ink. This increases the cost of ink cartridges and also limits the use of high quality print head in these cartridges. However, a damaged print head is not a problem as one can easily replace it with a new ink cartridge.
Some printer manufacturers use disposable ink and disposable print head separately. The print head can last much longer than cheap disposable head and is suitable for high volume printing. However, it can also be replaced easily if the head is clogged or damaged.
Although inkjet printers are generally used in home and small businesses, some manufacturers, such as Hewlett Packard, have produced high end inkjet printers for industrial use. These professional inkjet printers are usually used to print advertising graphics or technical drawings.
 Advantages of inkjet printers:
 1) Low cost
2) High quality of output, capable of printing fine and smooth details
3) Capable of printing in vivid color, good for printing pictures
4) Easy to use
5) Reasonably fast
6) Quieter than dot matrix printer
7) No warm up time
Disadvantages of inkjet printers:
1) Print head is less durable, prone to clogging and damage
2) Expensive replacement ink cartridges
 3) Not good for high volume printing
 4) Printing speed is not as fast as laser printers
 5) Ink bleeding, ink carried sideways causing blurred effects on some papers
 6) Aqueous ink is sensitive to water, even a small drop of water can cause blurring
 7) Cannot use highlighter marker on inkjet printouts
Many consumer inkjet printers are selling at very low price (under $100) these days. It is the printer manufacturer's marketing strategy to reduce the price of the printers but dramatically mark up the price of replacement cartridges. However, consumers still have the options to buy cheap compatible and remanufactured inkjet cartridges or ink refill kits to cut down printing cost.
 h1. Laser Printers Laser printers are non-impact printers which can print text and images in high speed and high quality resolution, ranging from 600 to 1200 dpi.
Unlike inkjet printers, laser printer use toner (black or colored powder) instead of liquid inks. A laser printer consists of these major components: drum cartridge, rotating mirror, toner cartridge and roller. The drum cartridge rotates as the paper is fed through. The mirror deflects laser beam across the surface of the drum. Laser beam creates charge that causes the toner to stick to the drum. As the drum rotates and presses on paper, toner is transferred from the drum to paper, creating images. Rollers then use heat and pressure to fuse toner to paper. Colored laser printers add colored toner in three additional passes.
 Advantages of laser printers:
1) High resolution
2) High print speed
3) No smearing
4) Low cost per page (compared to inkjet printers)
5) Printout is not sensitive to water
6) Good for high volume printing
 Disadvantages of laser printers:
1) More expensive than inkjet printers
2) Except for high end machines, laser printers are less capable of printing vivid colors and high quality images such as photos.
 3) The cost of toner replacement and drum replacement is high
4) Bulkier than inkjet printers
 5) Warm up time needed
h2. Dot-matrix printer Dot-matrix printer is an impact printer that produces text and graphics when tiny wire pins on the print head strike the ink ribbon. The print head runs back and forth on the paper like a typewriter. When the ink ribbon presses on the paper, it creates dots that form text and images. Higher number of pins means that the printer prints more dots per character, thus resulting in higher print quality.
Dot-matrix printers were very popular and the most common type of printer for personal computer in 70's to 80's. However, their use was gradually replaced by inkjet printers in 90's. As of today, dot matrix printers are only used in some point-of-sales terminals, or businesses where printing of carbon copy multi-part forms or data logging are needed.
 Advantages of dot matrix printer:
1) Can print on multi-part forms or carbon copies
2) Low printing cost per page
3) Can be used on continuous form paper, useful for data logging
4) Reliable, durable
Disadvantages of dot matrix printer:
1) Noisy
2) Limited print quality
3) Low printing speed
4) Limited color printing
h2. Thermal printers Thermal printers use two types of printing technologies: direct thermal and thermal transfer printing.
Traditional thermal printers use direct thermal method by pushing electrically heated pins against heat-sensitive paper (thermal paper). The coating on the thermal paper turns black in the areas where it is heated, producing characters or images. Direct thermal printers have no ink, toner or ribbon. These printers are durable, easy to use and cost less to print than other printers. However, the thermal paper is sensitive to heat, light, water, and abrasion and the text and images may fade over time.
In thermal transfer printing, a thermal print head applies heat to a heat-sensitive ribbon, which melts ink onto paper and a wide range of materials to form text and images. The printouts can be extremely durable and can be stored over long period of time
Thermal printers are often used in cash registers, ATM and point-of-sales terminals. Direct thermal printing was used in some older fax machines before the 21^st^ century. However, these old models are now replaced by new machines which use laser and inkjet printing. Thermal printing is still considered as the best technology for bar code printing because it produces accurate, high quality images with exact bar widths. Some portable printers and most label printers still use thermal printing method.
Thermal printer is not the same as thermal inkjet printer. The latter uses inkjet print technology by heating liquid ink to form vapor bubble, which forces the ink droplet onto the paper from the nozzle.
 h1. Specialty Printers h2. Photo printer Photo printers are color printers that produce photo lab quality pictures on photo paper. They can also be used to print documents. These printers have a very high number of nozzles and can print very fine droplets for improved image quality.
Some photo printers also have media card readers. They can print 4" x 6" photos directly from the media card of digital cameras without a computer in between.
Theoretically, most inkjet printers and high end laser printers are capable of printing high quality pictures. Sometimes, these printers are marketed as "photo printers". However, a dedicated photo printer is designed to print photos effectively and economically. Apart from a higher number of nozzles and very fine droplets, these printers also use additional cartridges, such as photo cyan, light magenta and light black. These additional color cartridges allow the printing of more vivid and realistic photos and the result is better than ordinary inkjet and laser printers.
h2. Portable printer Portable printers are small, lightweight inkjet or thermal printers that allow computer users to print from laptop computers when traveling. They are easy to carry, convenient to use but generally more expensive than normal inkjet printers due to the compact design. Their printing speed is also lower than normal printers. Some portable printers are designed to print photos immediately from digital cameras and are known as portable photo printers.
h2. MultiFunction / All-in-One Printers Multifunction printer (MFP) is also known as all-in-one printer or multifunction device (MFD). It is a machine that includes several functionalities including printer, scanner, copier and fax.
Multifunction printer is very popular in SoHo (small office / home office) offices. It can use either inkjet or laser print method. Some multifunction printers also have media card readers, allowing printing of pictures directly from digital cameras without using a computer.
Advantages of multifunction printers:
 1) Low cost - it is often cheaper to buy a multifunction printer than individual components (fax machine, scanner, printer, copier) separately
 2) Take up less room
Disadvantages of multifunction printers:
1) If one component is broken, the entire machine has to be replaced
2) Failure in any component will affect other functions
3) The print quality and speed may be lower than some stand alone components